Monday, April 7, 2014

KiCad links (aka Hurry up and wait)

I've re-done my designs in KiCad and have been to submitted to, now the waiting. Eagle is an established design software package, so many part libraries are already in place. In my initial dive into KiCad, I've had to layout some SMD pads so that's part of the waiting to ensure I got it right before going on to the next designs.

While I love the pricing and that you get only 3 boards (less wasteful than other services that have a minimum of 10), with OSHPark it takes about 2 (long!) weeks to get your boards back. So while I'm waiting here's a few helpful links.


First of all, here's the link to KiCAD official download page and site.


With Eagle, you just can submit the BRD file to OSHPark. However with KiCad, there's a list of different files you need to zip up and submit.

tymkrs (older version of KiCad) and Wayne and Layne (recent version) both have blog posts about the settings for submitting files to OSHPark.


To ensure that your design will work correctly with OSHPark (aka DRC), here is a link from an Electronics.StackExchange question that covers track width and other settings.


Here's a couple of videos and links that have helped me to learn KiCad, I would like to think, quickly:

Contextual Electronics is an online teaching company specializing on electronics. They have a 6 part tutorial series that walks you from concept to finished design for a 555 timer based blinky. Here's a link to the entire series in a single page.

Dave from EEVBlog has a first impression video where opens an existing design without any primer on the software and attempts to figure it out. It's both informative and very entertaining!

CAD Tutorials has some helpful videos as well

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