Thursday, March 13, 2014

Just go ahead and do it ...

You'd think I'd learn by now... When embarking on a new project I seem to go through these stages of emotions. At the beginning it seems insurmountable or something beyond me. But I push forward anyways.

Anything is possible!

Google/Bing, blogs/forums/Youtube and pestering people are typically how I get my info. Once all this information is taken in, I try to apply it to an endeavor or project. I'm not one to rush into them, so when I start I have a decent grasp of the concepts and how they apply (doesn't mean that I know what I am doing).

Putting all this together makes me feel that I can really accomplish what I am setting out to do.


Now when I start to undergo the process, it hits me that "I'm still learning" and "What I am about to do is likely completely wrong". I think that "the money I just spent has been wasted", "it will take forever to get new boards/parts to correct it" and that "it likely won't work after all this" and "all that I will accomplish is a big fat failure".


I push past that and start to work on the project. Unless it works perfectly the first time (which it hardly ever does), it feels as the negative feelings from above are being validated.


Little internal peep talks like "I can do this!" or "I'm getting better and can do things that I couldn't before" start to mind.


When (if) it works then I'm back to "anything is possible", "the world is my oyster" and "I'm the King of the World!" emotions, but 1,000 times more intense.

It's really a feeling of empowerment when you push past these largely self-imposed barriers and do what you set out to do. You can build upon them and move to the next accomplishment, just to repeat these 5 steps all over again.

But the point - is to do it anyways and when you hit those walls along the way, keep pushing through it.

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